Gray Grenche is a peculiar variety, almost exhausted, that we find in Aragon and Rousillon.
The wine that it produces is a pale pink color, with coppery flashes. Its aroma of citrus fruits and light body, bring freshness. It is ideal to pair with tapas.
Last but not least, the gray garnacha wines are the best accompaniment for appetizers, especially those that include a seafood dish. In addition, it is perfect for Mediterranean salads and baked fish. Likewise, it is also ideal for Asian dishes, such as raw fish and sushi.
Synonyms: Garnacha Roja (Gris) G Garnacha Roja; Garnacha Rose; Grenache Gris; Grenache Rose
European Garnacha/Grenache PDO & PGI wines by Asociación para la promoción del vino de Garnacha – Garnacha Origen, Zaragoza, Spain & Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins du Roussillon – CiVR, Perpignan, France.
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