Garnacha/Grenache wines are underrated European agricultural products recognized for traditional cultivation, quality, and prestige with their certification in two European Union quality schemes; “PGI,” or protected geographical indication, and “PDO,” protected designation of origin. Based on the guidelines set by the European Union in 2012 for agricultural commodities, these quality schemes ensure that products with such indication have absolutely originated in that region. The European Union schemes of geographical indications require specific qualifications of products in order to protect the integrity and reputation of regional food stuffs. The definitions of the awarded labels are explained below:

Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) is awarded to products originating from a region with a high reputation regarding their cultivation methods and products produced. Wines and other foodstuffs with such identification are considered to be of utmost quality due to the goodwill, distinct variety, or other characteristics which is attributable to their place of origin. The emphasis of the relationship of the product and geographical origin provides consumers with a better idea of where their product comes from as well as the traditional background of wineries or other farms.

Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) is the name of a region whose geographic environment promotes products of exceptional quality and excellence. Wines with such an indication are produced exclusively in their area from the grape to the bottle, meaning that all of the production and processing takes place specifically in the region of origin. This quality label distinguishes agricultural products from their competitors by providing the consumer with a clear map of production to the table. There are five PDOs vineyards in northeastern Spain that are specialized in the Grenache grape variety: CalatayudCampo de BorjaCariñenaSomontano, and Terra Alta.

The Garnacha/Grenache wine varieties are sold and recognized internationally for their high quality in taste and overall consumer experience. Most importantly, wines processed from Garnacha/Grenache grapes are not only delicious, but they are affordable. By providing consumers with an expensive taste at low cost, Garnacha/Grenache wines ensure customer satisfaction without breaking the bank.

The authenticity of European producers designated with the PDO and PGI labels allows Garnacha/Grenache wineries to provide consumers with a clear background of where their product comes from. The “Farm-to-Table” movement has been on an upward trend around the World, specifically in the United States, as more people are choosing what they consume on a daily basis based on what exactly is inside of the product. European agriculture commodities labeled with PDO and PGI not only provide consumers with a specific region where the product originated, but they furthermore imply that the region has a reputation of excellence. The traditional cultivation methods protected by these labels ensure that the product is true of the quality advertised.

With a better understanding of what the PGI and PDO labels mean, consumers can see what sets Garnacha/Grenache wine varieties in a category of their own by providing a luxurious taste at an affordable cost. The regions of origin are recognized for consistent quality production methods and specific taste unmatched due to the geographical conditions. While underrated across the world, Garnacha/Grenache wine vineyards are recognized in Europe for producing millions of hectoliters of delicious PDO and PGI wine each year.